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With over 13 years of application experience Nijburg Engineering develops Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) for the marine and petrochemical industry. Amongst the applications are Ultra High Pressure cleaning (UHP). Nijburg wanted an on-board control solution linking the already selected receiver and motor controllers. Engeen developed PCBA's for power management and distribution, interfaces for the motor controllers and an extension for a single board PC. Engeen wrote all software for Modbus and OpenCAN communications and reading an IMU for semi-autonomous driving. Also online monitoring is made available using a GPRS modem and setting up a server for communication and a webinterface.
As it's design is modular, other parties can develop their own control strategies or accessories. The controllers for the brushless motors uses current regulation to achieve demanded speeds. This results in accurate control over the movement of this heavy duty 4 wheeled magnatic. A demontration video is available here.
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To aid operators at Hummel with optically bonding the two layers that make a touch screens a machine was developed that distributes glue according to a recipe. After the operator has put the glasses together a mechanically movement exposes the UV light to the glue as to cure it. Engeen has selected electromechanical components, programmed the logic and visualization and arranged for a tool to generate recipes.
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RWE Wind (former Essent Wind) owns the biggest dutch wind farm on-shore. The 52 turbines have a total capacity of 156 MW, at 35% efficiency enough to provide 150 000 households.
Each turbine logs wind and production data and stores it in a central database. Engeen developed a tool to collect and process this data and to generate reports about production. E.g. it estimates missed production using several methods and categorizes them per faillure. Production information is used on management level while information about technicalities can be used by the park manager to increase yields.
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For the Swinburne University of Melbourne: Designed an electronic proof of concept for a pocket device as an aid for asthmatics. Patients need to be able to measure their lung capacity and take medicine if needed. This information needs to be logged and made visible on a display.
Render and mechanical design copyright by Patrick Jose